Don’t know which watershed you live in? You can search by address on the Galveston Bay Report Card’s Find Your Watershed tool (regional map) or the Texas Watershed Viewer from Texas Parks and Wildlife (state map). These maps from Bayou Preservation Association show the 22 bayou systems and waterways in the greater Houston region. Most of these watersheds are located within Harris County and extend to Spring Creek, Clear Creek, and Cedar Bayou, plus Lake Houston.
Find your water district using the TCEQ’s ArcGIS map, and then check the status of your drinking water using the Texas Drinking Water Watch database. Great datasets for high school students.
Houston Public Works hosts many programs, including an annual WaterWorks Festival, Project WET training for teachers, outreach to schools, and field trips to the WaterWorks Education Center in Humble (currently closed for repairs). Contact [email protected] for information.