Student Opportunities/Programs

Showing all 7 results

  • Carol Burton

    Like summer tomatoes, this team of educators can transform your schoolyard into a bountiful, diverse, outdoor learning space. In addition to farmers markets, they offer workshops and online gardening classes.
  • Jennifer Boley

    Like lightning bugs, she encourages people of all ages and backgrounds to get outdoors for better health, happiness, and life balance. NEO can facilitate a variety of off-campus field trips that are fun and educational, or on-campus events held outdoors or in the classroom that incorporate TEKS-correlated Project Wild curriculum.
  • Karen Bishop & Marya Fowler, National Wildlife Federation

    NWF is the United States host for the international Eco-Schools program which empowers students to engage in their environment by providing the opportunity to actively protect it through place-based and problem-based learning.
  • Marsha Towns & Valeria De Casas, Student Conservation Association

    They are like a carpenter ant, with contagious and remarkable work ethic. Contact them for student internships, service learning projects, summer programs and youth development opportunities.
  • Michael Valdez, The Woods Project

    Like a good backpack, they have the ability to reach kids with the right tools to help them achieve success. Contact Michael to bring the program to your high school.
  • Rice University Baker Institute Civic Scientist Program

    Bring in a researcher from Rice University’s Civic Scientist Program, or watch a prerecorded talk. For more information on the program or if you are interested in participating as a class or speaker, contact [email protected] or 713.348.4784
  • Placeholder

    Urban Harvest School Gardening Guide

    Free Digital Download of the Urban Harvest School Garden Guide for Educators and Families on easy to grow fruits and vegetables.
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