Rice University Baker Institute Civic Scientist Program
Bring in a researcher from Rice University’s Civic Scientist Program, or watch a prerecorded talk. For more information on the program or if you are interested in participating as a class or speaker, contact
[email protected] or 713.348.4784
Celeste Silling
Contact Celeste to get involved with S.P.L.A.Sh (Stopping Plastic Litter Along Shorelines), which includes lessons, beach clean up events, and more.
Jennifer Boley
Like lightning bugs, she encourages people of all ages and backgrounds to get outdoors for better health, happiness, and life balance. NEO can facilitate a variety of off-campus field trips that are fun and educational, or on-campus events held outdoors or in the classroom that incorporate TEKS-correlated Project Wild curriculum.
Adrienne Paquette & Ali Kuehn, Texas Wildlife Association
They love telling the story of the Bobwhite Quail in Texas. Invite them to your classroom, participate in a professional development, visit their booth at the Houston Livestock Show & Rodeo, and use their online resources to teach about Texas wildlife.