Jennifer Boley
Like lightning bugs, she encourages people of all ages and backgrounds to get outdoors for better health, happiness, and life balance. NEO can facilitate a variety of off-campus field trips that are fun and educational, or on-campus events held outdoors or in the classroom that incorporate TEKS-correlated Project Wild curriculum.

David MacLean
If you’re looking to connect students with air quality data, look no further. Contact David about one of the most important issues in Houston.

Becky Luman
Like an earthworm, Becky focuses on creating good soils in which our environmental community can thrive. Healthy Tweaks is part of that initiative; contact her if you want to be part of the leadership teams in Houston.

Della Barbato
She is like Sideoats grama grass, both gentle and kind. Contact her to schedule a trip to the Deer Park Prairie, facilitate a teacher workshop about prairies, to learn how to make seed balls or for help building a prairie on your campus.